Resource - Large Deposits (1)
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Indium,Large |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Large |
| Hydrotermal,Lithium,Large |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Large |
Rotation - Large Deposits (2)
| No,Large |
| Yes,Large |
Resource - Average Deposits (4)
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Average |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Average |
| Chemical Precipitate,Phosphate,Average |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Average |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Tantalum\Niobium,Average |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tantalum/Niobium,Average |
Rotation - Average Deposits (5)
| Yes,Average |
| No,Average |
Resource - Small Deposits (7)
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Lithium,Small |
| Supergene Enrichment,Titanium,Small |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Lithium + Tungsten,Small |
| Orthomagmatic,Cobalt + Vanadium,Small |
| Chemical Precipitate,Phosphate,Small |
| Chemical Precipitate,Barite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Lithium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Barite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Metamorphic/Hydrothermal,Graphite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Titanium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Germanium,Small |
| From Weathering/Hydrotermal,Lithium,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium + Tungsten,Small |
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Barite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl + Tungsten,Small |
| Supergene Enrichment,Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium + Tantalum\Niobium,Small |
| Orthomagmatic,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Detritic,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony + Tungsten,Small |
| Other Volcanogenic Deposits,Barite,Small |
| Alluvial/Elluvial Deposit,Titanium,Small |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium + Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Titanium,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Tungsten,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Phosphate,Small |
| Hydrotermal Ba,Barite,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Small |
Rotation - Small Deposits (8)
| Yes,Small |
| No,Small |
Resource - Occurence (10)
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Indium,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl + Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Bismuth,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Lithium + Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Barite,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Occurrence |
| Other Volcanogenic Deposits,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Other Metassomatic Deposits,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Ba,Barite,Occurrence |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Metamorphic/Hydrothermal,Graphite,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Occurrence |
Rotation - Occurence (11)
| Yes,Occurrence |
| No,Occurrence |
CRM_2020_GRS (13)
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Lithium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Tantalum\Niobium,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Beryl + Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium,Large |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium + Tantalum\Niobium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Lithium + Tungsten,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tantalum/Niobium,Average |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Titanium,Small |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Aplitic - Pegmatitic,Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony,Average |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Antimony + Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Associated to Shear Zone,Tungsten,Small |
| Detritic,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Metamorphic/Hydrothermal,Graphite,Occurrence |
| Metamorphic/Hydrothermal,Graphite,Small |
| Hydrotermal Ba,Barite,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal Ba,Barite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Antimony,Average |
| Hydrotermal,Barite,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Barite,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl + Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Beryl + Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Bismuth,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Germanium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Lithium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Lithium,Large |
| Hydrotermal,Phosphate,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Titanium,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Small |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Average |
| Hydrotermal,Tungsten,Large |
| From Weathering/Hydrotermal,Lithium,Small |
| Other Metassomatic Deposits,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Orthomagmatic,Cobalt + Vanadium,Small |
| Orthomagmatic,Rare Earth Elements,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tantalum/Niobium,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium,Average |
| Alluvial Deposits,Titanium + Tungsten,Small |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Alluvial Deposits,Tungsten,Small |
| Chemical Precipitate,Barite,Small |
| Chemical Precipitate,Phosphate,Small |
| Chemical Precipitate,Phosphate,Average |
| Alluvial/Elluvial Deposit,Titanium,Small |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Lithium + Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Lithium + Tungsten,Small |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Occurrence |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Small |
| Skarn/Skamoid,Tungsten,Average |
| Supergene Enrichment,Titanium,Small |
| Supergene Enrichment,Tungsten,Small |
| Other Volcanogenic Deposits,Antimony,Occurrence |
| Other Volcanogenic Deposits,Barite,Small |
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Barite,Small |
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Indium,Occurrence |
| Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides,Indium,Large |
| <all other values> |
CRM_2020_RS (14)
| No,Occurrence |
| No,Small |
| No,Average |
| No,Large |
| Yes,Occurrence |
| Yes,Small |
| Yes,Average |
| Yes,Large |
| <all other values> |
Faults (15)
| Carreamento |
| Carreamento provável |
| Cavalgamento |
| Cavalgamento provável |
| Falha |
| Falha oculta |
| Falha provável |
Country Border (16)
Councils (17)
Geology (18)
| C1-2 |
| C1_a |
| C1_b |
| C2 |
| CVL |
| D1_a |
| D1_b |
| D1f_a |
| D1f_b |
| D2-3 |
| D2-3_a |
| D2-3f |
| D2C1 |
| D3C1 |
| DA |
| E |
| GAMA |
| GAMA1 |
| GAMA2 |
| GAMAz |
| J1 |
| J2 |
| J3 |
| K1 |
| K1-2 |
| K2 |
| N1c |
| N1m |
| N2 |
| NP1 |
| NP2 |
| NPA1 |
| NPA2 |
| NPL |
| NPep |
| OA |
| OD1 |
| ODP |
| O_a |
| O_b |
| O_c |
| PAg |
| Q1 |
| Q2 |
| S |
| SA |
| SD |
| SD1 |
| SDP |
| SDof |
| SDof_a |
| TJ1 |
| at |
| ep1 |
| ep1c |
| ep2 |
| epL |
| f |
| f1 |
| f2 |
| g |
| g1_a |
| g1_b |
| g1a |
| g2_a |
| g2_b |
| g3 |
| g4 |
| gap |
| gz |
| pi |
| qz |
| sigma |
| sigma1 |
| sigma2 |
| v |
| <all other values> |
Sombreado (19)
| 254 - 0 |