Description: This is the base scenario, where all restrictions listed below have been excluded. The RAN and REN conditions, aquifers classified as porous or essentially porous, belonging to the western shore and the Tejo-Sado basin, nor the residential building were not excluded here.areas with a slope greater than 20%, i.e. corresponding to areas at risk of flooding and/or geologically unstable (erosion, earth movements, etc.);▪ coastal protection zones, namely the Coastal Protection Strip identified in the new Coastal Programs and the Safeguard Strips for coastal risks;▪ areas classified for nature conservation;▪ areas very relevant for nature conservation located outside classified areas;▪ protected areas under the Water Framework Directive and areas at risk of flooding;▪ areas of different types of mining interest;▪ areas relevant to mineral and natural waters;▪ constraints on cultural heritage, including archaeological heritage;▪ constraints related to the forestry regime;
Service Item Id: c594e60d4d484da799fc5bcf2030df02
Copyright Text: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.
Description: In this scenario, were excluded all the conditions of Scenario A, and also the areas relating to aquifers classified as porous or essentially porous, belonging to the western shore and the Tejo-Sado basin.
Service Item Id: c594e60d4d484da799fc5bcf2030df02
Copyright Text: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.
Description: In this scenario, all the conditions of Scenario A were excluded and also removed the residential and mixed-use building, considering a buffer of 100m.
Service Item Id: c594e60d4d484da799fc5bcf2030df02
Copyright Text: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.
Description: In this scenario, all conditions considered in scenario A were excluded, as also the available RAN (National Agricultural Reserve) and REN (National Ecological Reserve) areas.
Service Item Id: c594e60d4d484da799fc5bcf2030df02
Copyright Text: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.
Description: In this scenario, all constraints considered in scenario A were excluded and also all constraints from previous scenarios were removed, namely, the areas relating to aquifers classified as porous or essentially porous, belonging to the western shore and the Tejo basin - Sado, the residential buildings, considering a 100m buffer and the available RAN and REN areas.
Service Item Id: c594e60d4d484da799fc5bcf2030df02
Copyright Text: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.