Description: OBJECTID FIDNumberFeature ID. An internally generated identification number for each feature. Automatically generated within shape file.ShapeSHAPE GeometryPointCodeCODEText (2)Two letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FR, IEDeposit TypeDEPOSIT_TYText (30)Polymetallic Sulphide -this exact wording must be entered in bold typeSettingSETTINGText (150)Description of geological setting (e.g. spreading centre, off-ridge volcano, seamount etc) Main MorphologyMAIN_MORPHText (250)Morphology type Main MineralsMAIN_MINText (250)Main Minerals present All Other CommoditiesALL_OTHERText (250)Secondary commodities (gangue minerals) Economic feasibilityECOMOMIC_FText (250)Specify assessments of reserve or resource potential, if applicableOriginal ScaleSCALEText (100)Specify the scale in which the deposit was originally mappedModifications from originalMODText (250)Information on modifications made to the origional datasetMeasured UnitsUNITSText (50)Quantitative measurement of deposit if available.StatusSTATUSText (250)e.g. under exploration, research, identified deposits, hypothetical deposits, etc.OperatorOPERATORText (250)Research, exploration or operating agency or companyArea NameAREA_NAMEText (250)Name of the area, concession or deposit area Area NumberAREA_NOText (50)Number of the area, concession or deposit area Data ProviderDATA_PROVIText (150)Name of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactDATA_CONTText (150)The data providing organisation/institutecontact details –email is requiredArea ExtentAREA_KM2Number (Double) Area of deposit (Sq. Km)Water Depth DEPTH_TO_DNumber (Double) Depth to deposit from sea surface References REFRENCESText (250)DOI and/or Author, Year & Title, link to PDF etc.CommentsCOMMENTSText (250)Any comments or observations pertinent to this PMS
Description: OBJECTID FIDNumberFeature ID. An internally generated identification number for each feature. Automatically generated within shape file.ShapeSHAPE GeometryPolygonCodeCODEText (2)Two letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code FR, IEDeposit TypeDEPOSIT_TYText (30)Phosphorite -this exact wording must be entered in bold typeDeposit Sub TypeDEP_SUB_TYText (100)Sub-type :Nodular/Bioclastic/PhosphatisationEconomic feasibilityECOMOMIC_FText (250)Specify assessments of reserve or resource potential, if applicableOriginal ScaleSCALEText (100)Specify the scale in which the deposit was originally mappedModifications from originalMODText (250)Information on modifications made to the origional datasetSettingSETTINGText (150)Epeiric/Continental margin/Seamount/Insular; if knownMeasured UnitsUNITSText (50)Quantitative measurement of deposit if available.StatusSTATUSText (250)e.g. under exploration, research, identified deposits, hypothetical deposits, etc.OperatorOPERATORText (250)Research, exploration or operating agency or companyExploitation TypeEXPLOIT_TYText (250)Mining MethodArea NameAREA_NAMEText (250)Name of the area, concession or resource areaArea NumberAREA_NOText (50)Number of the area, concession or resource areaData ProviderDATA_PROVIText (150)Name of organisation providing dataData Provider ContactDATA_CONTText (150)The data providing organisation/institutecontact details –email is requiredArea ExtentAREA_KM2Number (Double) (11,4)Area of deposit (Sq. Km)Depth to Deposit (m)DEPTH_TO_DNumber (Double) (11,4)Depth to deposit from sea surfaceReferences REFERENCESText (250)DOI and/or Author, Year & Title if you wishCommentsCOMMENTSText (250)Any additional noteworthy comments or observations
Description: the plate boundary curves in the most compact form, and should be used to add plate boundaries to maps. It contains 6,048 points grouped into 229 segments. The title record for each segment has 5 bytes, in which the first two bytes give the identifier of the plate on the left (as one travels along the segment, looking down from outside the Earth) and bytes 4-5 give the identifier of the plate on the right. In byte 3, the symbol "/" indicates that the right-hand plate subducts under the left-hand plate, while symbol "\" indicates the opposite polarity of subduction. All non-subducting plate boundary segments have a hyphen "-" in byte 3. The number of segments exceeds the number of plate boundaries for several reasons: (i) because a single plate boundary may include both subduction and non-subduction segments, which require different titles; (ii) because different parts of a single plate boundary may be credited to different sources; (iii) for convenience in digitizing long plate boundaries which did not fit onto a single map.
Service Item Id: 0ac7e7bcbe70494c86664dd78901a1da
Copyright Text: Hugo Ahlenius, Nordpil. 2014 Peter Bird, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 4(3), 1027, doi:10.1029/2001GC000252, 2003